We are sorry to hear that your want to cancel your service, please let us know if anything we can do to help you to enjoy Viaway! If you still want to cancel, please read below.

How do I cancel my subscription?


If you currently have a subscription and want to make sure it does not automatically renew at the end of your term, you'll need to cancel your subscription. To do this, please visit the Account page and click Cancel next your subscription.


After you cancel your subscription, you can still sign in and use paid features through the rest of your subscription. Once your subscription term ends, you'll lose those benefits, but your account will remain active, and you'll continue to enjoy free membership benefits like search and the ability to build your favorites and queue on your computer.


How do I delete my account?


If you do not want to have an active account with Viaway and want to make sure your login information is taken down from our site completely, you must first cancel any subscription services you have with Viaway using the steps above. Once you cancel all of your subscription services, you can go to Account page and click Close Account. Please note, your information is stored in our database for historical and legal purposes only. 



Suspending a Subscription!


Currently, suspending your subscription or putting it on hold for a few months isn't a feature we provide.